Detailed Outline of the second 50% of my course
Overview of Expectation for Each Week:
Each week will introduce kindergarten appropriate apps. We will begin the introduction in class, and complete activities in Seesaw as we progress.
You are free to choose how you want to respond each assignment. Instructions will be included, but feel free to respond using the tools available inside the program Seesaw. Remember you can draw, write, speak, record a video, upload a photo, or create something for your response.
At the end of the week, you are required to have a reflection of how you feel about the app we introduced during the week.
(Overview and expectations will be discussed in class, since students cannot proficiently read at this point. Weekly announcements will also be sent in Seesaw to communicate with students and parents.)
Week 4: Detailed Outline
Learning goal: learners will explore apps to see if they are grade level appropriate, this week the focus will be on Istation. Learners will be aware and will model how to use iPads and content appropriately.
Big question: What is Istation and is it an appropriate app to use in school?
· Learning Activities and Assessment
1. Introduction to Istation in whole group. Explain to students that this week we will begin exploring apps that are age appropriate and can be used in school. Also remind students that we will continue to add to our Heart Map chart.
2. Students will have time to explore Istation.
3. During this week students will also be on the look out for friend modeling good behavior on iPads, they will complete activity in Seesaw.
4. Teacher will lead a discussion in class after allowing students to use the app. Discussions to decide when we can use Istation will be held. For example, we will discuss how it can be used during literacy stations.
5. At the end of the week students will complete a reflection assignment on Seesaw. Students will also add Istation to our class Heart Map chart.
Week 5: Detailed Outline
Learning goal: learners will reflect on the past few weeks.
Big question: What are appropriate apps to use in school?
· Learning Activities and Assessment
1. Teacher will facilitate discussion of how students felt on the use of apps introduced during this course.
2. Students will take a picture of Heart Map chart and share it on Seesaw as part of their reflection. They will describe the apps they enjoyed the most and why. This will also be a chance to voice frustrations or dislikes of apps. They get to tell us about an app they love that could be added to our Heart Map chart (one that we didn’t talk about but they find appropriate).
3. Teacher will analyze data from programs used to see if learning was impacted by usage in the past few weeks.
4. Teacher will review reflections, frustrations, and suggestions from students and move forward based on the results.